Women’s Ministry Morning Circle

Thursday, March 12| 9:30 am | Adult Center

We will be discussing “Storied Truth” from Parables by John MacArthur. This is a bonus lesson. Please read the section and answer the questions in the accompanying workbook. Our next book will be Twelve Extraordinary Women by the same author. Join us for conversation and prayer. For information call Monique 336-382-8733


Sunday Worship

Consecration Sunday, November 17th
Traditional Worship 9 a.m. | Casual Worship 11:15 a.m.
Both Services will be held in the Sanctuary
Scripture:  Hebrews 10:19-25 | Matthew 6:25-34
Sermon Series: What Christ Had in Mind
“But We Have the Mind of Christ”  1 Cor.:2:16

Sermon:  First Things First | Pastor Bill Good

Click button below to watch Services and read the current Bulletins. Sunday Worship Services 
