Posted on Feb 27, 2020 in News Archive |
Candlelight Services
Wednesday Evenings (3/4 – 4/1) | 6-7 p.m.
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and self-examination to prepare us for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter.
Lenten Vespers provide an opportunity for us to explore and deepen our understanding of the events leading to Jesus’ death and resurrection. These quiet meditative services include a homily by Pastor Bill, the Lords Supper and music to encourage meditation and reflection.
Your attendance will keep this unique and meaningful service a tradition at FHPC.
Posted on Feb 26, 2020 in News Archive |
March is Men’s Fellowship month, which means we will provide ushers, greeters, and a curb angel for the five Sundays in March. We really need all available men to step up to help serve in these positions for the month of March. I’ll be calling soon, so please try to volunteer for the Sundays you are available.
Men’s Sunday on March 22 is being planned by Roy Nickel (480-816-0229) and Bob Titus (608-280-1301), so please contact them if you are able to participate in Men’s Sunday worship service.
Thanks, Bill Matty (480-588-8815).