Blessed Beginnings Nursery Ministries


Our Blessed Beginnings Nursery desires to partner with you, parents and grandparents, for the healthy development of your child. Infants and toddlers develop trust and hope, the seed of adult faith, through emotional bonding and needs being met. God is like a security blanket or pacifier to give security and comfort at this stage. We join you in offering infants and toddlers nurturing relationships to feel secure and experience the love of God as they learn through play and interactions.

Safe space, equipment, procedures and curriculum are used to help everyone “redeem the routine” of daily care & guidance of children.

“But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who thought you.”

                           2 Timothy 3:14


We desire to collaborate for the faith parenting  of children. We offer parent resources and “Little Blessings” Curriculum to assist in a child’s spirituality, concept of God and world view. Use of faith language, songs, symbols, pictures and simple prayers offer to assist you in connecting the love of God in daily family life.


We love children and parents worshipping together! You are invited to sit up close to the front so children  can see and feel more a part of worship. We do not mind some noise, as according to Psalm 8, God has ordained the cries of little ones as praise.


We also know there are times when being able to wiggle and move more is necessary. The Family Wiggle Area is available and the restroom is close with a diaper changing station.

If your child needs extra attention, please ask an usher for a nursery time for your child.